Private Student Loans
Student Loan Refinance
Paying For College Just Got Easier
Recognizing the need for higher education financing for its members, Dubois Pike Federal Credit Union offers private student loans and private student consolidation loans.

Private Student Loans Features and Benefits:
- Let us help you pay for college to achieve your dreams.
- Available for undergraduate and graduate school degree programs
- Competitive interest rates and flexible terms
- 0.25% interest rate reduction with automatic payment
- Cosigner release available after making 12 consecutive monthly payments
- Funds can be used for any qualified educational expense including tuition, room & board, books, and even computers.
- Manage Your Loan — Our online portal lets you check your balance, make payments, and access your account anytime — day or night.
- No Origination Fee — Why pay us money to process your loan application? We’ll never charge you any origination fees.
Refinance Student Loans Features and Benefits:
- Refinance your existing student loans to lower your monthly payments
- Competitive interest rates and flexible terms
- 0.25% interest rate reduction with automatic payment
- Cosigner release available after making 12 consecutive monthly payments
- Manage Your Loan — Our online portal lets you check your balance, make payments, and access your account anytime — day or night.
- Simplify Your Finances — With one easy monthly payment, you won’t need to keep track of multiple bills.
- No Origination Fee — Why pay us money to process your loan application? We’ll never charge you any origination fees.